OperationalError | Python 3.6.9: /usr/bin/python3 Sat Mar 15 21:06:41 2025 |
A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.
/var/www/Lyra-TL/cgi/cgi_Setup_ModuleControl.py in <module>() |
126 update_Section() |
127 elif(request_Type == 'delete_Section'): |
128 delete_Section() |
129 else: |
=> 130 read_Section() |
read_Section = <function read_Section> |
/var/www/Lyra-TL/cgi/cgi_Setup_ModuleControl.py in read_Section() |
63 |
64 ''' |
=> 65 query = c.execute(queryStr) |
66 dbData = [] |
67 for col in c: |
query undefined, global c = <sqlite3.Cursor object>, c.execute = <built-in method execute of sqlite3.Cursor object>, queryStr = ' SELECT PIC.id as PICId, PIC.name as PICName, Fe...d,section.id,i_drive.id\n \n ' |
OperationalError: no such column: i_drive.set_current_limit
args =
('no such column: i_drive.set_current_limit',)
with_traceback =
<built-in method with_traceback of OperationalError object>